
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Adoption House

We are pretty sure we know which adoption house we will be applying to. A big thanks to our case worker Sarah who has been working to find us which adoption house would be the best fit and the quickest.
The name of the adoption house is Los Pisingos and it is located in Bogota. There is a local family who was there a few years ago and below is one of their blog posts about it...

A Glimpse at Los Pisingos

Los Pisingos Foundation is like family to us! It is a foundation that is about the child, not the parental rights, or the waiting adoptive is about the child, and what is best for that child. They understand that every child needs to be in a healthy family, and they give their best efforts into finding or returning their children into the home that is best for them. Although an institution, it well organized, meticulously clean, and the children are shown much affection while being housed there.
You might think of an institution for the orphan, or a "safe house" for the abused, neglected, under privileged children to look a lot different...where you would see malnourished, underfed, under clothed children. This is not the case at Pisingos. Just seeing what they feed their kids is remarkable to me. A typical lunch would be fresh salad, rice, and lentils, with freshly squeezed juice. This is seriously made fresh each day. They eat lots of pudding for dessert (we think that's why our son came to us so "rollie-pollie"), and a typical snack would be something like a "mango smoothie" wouldn't see anything like spaghettios or mac-n-cheese. They even spoon feed the little ones, not owning highchairs, but, feeding each one individually on the caretakers lap. They separate the kids by age. Newborns, infants, toddlers, etc. up to age 12. They are currently housing very many children, it is very full.
With all that being said, Los Pisingos is still an institution. It is not a home. Not a family. Yes, it is a safe place that houses broken and fragile children, but, it is not the same as a family. Each one of these little children are "alone." They don't have a daddy or a mommy to tuck them in at night, or to be by their side when they are sick...they have themselves, possibly a sibling, and that is all.
Below are a few recent pictures taken by a dear friend. As I share these pictures with you, please pray over the caretakers and children of Los Pisingos!

Below is our Colombian Representative through Bethany, Tia Isabel, loving on a little boy at the foundation. See his face light up to her touch!

I just received an email from her. She said, "I hope you can come asap. I just visited LP and saw your girls. They are so very cute, and they need you so very badly! Each one received 4 kisses. One from Daddy, Mommy, big sister, and big brother!"

Yes, God does set the lonely into families! His heart is for the fatherless! If His heart is, than shouldn't our hearts be also?! We are so privileged that our God chose us to parent 2 more precious children, His children...who He loves more than we ever could! Soon...very soon...

"Sing to God sing praises to His name! Lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts, his name is the Lord, exult before Him! Father of the fatherless, and protector of widows is God in His holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home...Blessed be God!" from Psalm 68

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