
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Laundry Light

I was recently inspired by pinterest and a random home improvement blog I follow (ok, kinda religiously. you can see the post here) to make pretty much the cheapest/coolest light ever. I have had the inspiration pinned on one of my pinterest boards for quite awhile. But it wasn't until the young house love post that I felt inspired to make my own clothespin chandelier! We had replaced the old light in our laundry with a traditional plain domed one, but still had two ancient lights still left hanging in our back entry (we had kind of run out of steam and since we had only one more new dome light left, we just threw the extra one down in the basement- they came in two packs so we couldn't really return it). WELL, I decided i would move the laundry room light and join it with it's long lost cousin from the basement into the back entry and make my spectacular laundry room light (drumroll please..) for less than $6 total! Yes, that's right. And it was super simple and easy. I ran out to our local dollar store to pick up my items:
Yes, that is a pink trash can. I got the trash can and several packages of clothespins for $5-something (lost the receipt already), we already had the spray paint on hand so that was free. I quick gave the trash can a few coats of white spray paint, clipped on my clothespins, and snipped away the bottom to end up with this:
I just used fishing line to attach it to the light fixture- it was the "base" of one of the old fixtures i took from the back entry. I used the scews that used to hold the glass part of the light on as hooks for my fishing line and voila! a new $5 light shade.