
Wednesday, August 6, 2014


We are in a time of adoption transition.
Bethany will no longer be conducting adoptions in Colombia. (They are partnering with another agency, and we can transfer to that agency and continue on)

This comes at a time where we are also considering what our adoption process is supposed to look like now. There are less infants available for adoption in Colombia than there was when we started this process, and the wait for us (if Colombia continues to stay open) will likely be years..

It is hard to say that you are considering "jumping ship". We knew there would be ups and downs, delays, but we honestly were not expecting this long. Our desires for adoption have not changed, if we decide to leave Colombia, it will be for another program. The hard part is, do we trust God's timing and continue to follow the path we felt called to in the beginning of this process, or do we fulfill our desires for another child and pursue an avenue that might bring us one sooner.

I don't want to leave Colombia. The culture, the connections, the call we first felt there... I am not sure we will leave. But the wait is hard. I honestly think the hardest thing I have ever done. I thought that a year would be hard, and now we have been waiting for three, with more to go.

And today, I am looking at the waiting children profiles, and my heart is melting. Seriously friends, if you could just see their faces: you would be signing up for a home study without caring if your case worker will see your bed unmade.

So this is a plea for prayers so we know what God wants us to do, and a plea for anyone considering adoption or foster care : fill out the preliminary application and see these children's faces, you will not regret it :)