
Friday, December 2, 2011

Colombian Culture

Our case worker and some friends shared a blog of a family down in Colombia right now. It has been awesome to get a view into what it is like down there and getting an idea of somewhat to expect day by day- did we mention that at least I will be down for six weeks? (the bummer part is that I started getting myself ready to go, i was ready to pack my bags the next day after i checked their blog out! which is way to soon, we have a ways to go yet!)

After I somewhat settled down and reminded myself of everything we need to do yet, I was able to focus a little bit better on things we need to do prepare ourselves, such as paperwork, but also the culture! We have soo much to learn yet about Colombia and preparing for our multi-cultural family! We are reading books, researching history, music, culture, learning Spanish (Nate got some cds to listen to in the car, I am trying different websites out), everything we can do to make sure our children know how important their culture is.

Just one of the blogs I have found very interesting in relation to Colombia and adoptions is:
They have pretty much everything on there you can think of! So I may be passing along some things about Colombian culture that I think are worth sharing. Such as the fact that every Sunday, Bogota shuts down its streets for Ciclovia!

My favorite part was of the grandma breaking it down in the exercise class :)
But seriously, how cool is that!

1 comment:

  1. hi, kara! i saw your comment on becky's blog. my husband and i are adopting from colombia and through bethany. We just submitted our dossier. would love to be a resource for you since are only a couple steps ahead of you. we have a blog as well!
